Usage TOP Developer


This chapter instructs how to build FULLOCK and install it and its header files.

1. Install prerequisites

For recent Debian-based Linux distributions users, follow the steps below:

$ sudo apt-get update -y
$ sudo apt install git autoconf automake libtool g++ -y

For users who use supported Fedora other than latest version, follow the steps below:

$ sudo dnf makecache
$ sudo dnf install git gcc-c++ make libtool -y

For other recent RPM-based Linux distributions users, follow the steps below:

$ sudo yum makecache
$ sudo yum install git gcc-c++ make libtool -y

2. Clone source codes from GitHub

Download the FULLOCK’s source code from GitHub.

$ git clone

3. Building and installing FULLOCK

Just follow the steps below to build FULLOCK and install it. We use GNU Automake to build FULLOCK.

$ cd fullock
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

After successfully installing FULLOCK, you will see the manual page for fullock:

$ man fullock
Usage TOP Developer